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Dandruff in Dogs: Causes & Treatment

Have you observed some flaky substance on your dog's coat? Your furry friend may have dandruff, which could be an indication of other health issues. Join our vets in Hohenwald to get insights on why dogs get dandruff, symptoms that may appear, and remedies for managing dry, flaky skin on dogs.

Why does my dog have dandruff?

Many frustrated pup parents come to us wondering, "Why do dogs get dandruff?" Dogs, like humans, can experience dandruff when dead skin cells flake off at a faster rate than normal. These dry flakes tend to accumulate on a dog's back, particularly near the tail. You may notice them when petting or scratching your dog.

Similar to human skin, a dog's skin has glands that produce oil (sebum) to keep the skin hydrated and supple. If these glands produce too much sebum, it can lead to imbalances and dandruff.

Dogs can experience two forms of seborrheic dermatitis: dry (seborrhea sicca) and oily (seborrhea oleosa).

What underlying health issues cause dandruff in dogs?

Dandruff is not exclusive to any particular dog breed. It can be caused by various factors, such as genetic conditions like primary seborrhea (which is commonly seen in basset hounds and cocker spaniels) and environmental or health-related factors.

While this list is not comprehensive, it outlines some typical reasons dogs may develop dandruff.

Dry Air

Dogs are more prone to dry skin in winter months, just like their human families. The issue can worsen in areas where central ('forced') heat is the primary source of home warming. If your pup seems flaky in the winter, dry air could be the cause. 

External Parasites

Dogs might itch from dry skin, but there are also many external parasites that can live on your dog's skin and make them very unhappy. Infamous parasites Cheyletiella mites are large enough to see without a microscope and look very much like white flakes of dandruff - hence the moniker 'Walking Dandruff.' If your dog's 'dandruff flakes' are moving on their own, get to your vet for parasite prevention as soon as possible. Some parasites (like mites) are easily transmitted to other pets living in the household. 

Nutrition Issues

If your dog's diet is not balanced or appropriate, it can negatively impact their skin and coat. To maintain your pet's skin and hair in good condition, it's important to include foods that contain fatty acids like omega-3s and omega-6s. However, it's crucial to consult your veterinarian to determine if your pet needs additional nutrients.

Skin Infections

Skin bacterial and fungal infections can also cause dandruff on your dog, as they are adept at taking advantage of damage or weaknesses in your pup's skin. These underlying conditions must be treated appropriately to address the dandruff issue. 


Skin problems in dogs often indicate an allergic reaction to food or environmental factors. Dogs suffering from allergies may experience flakiness and itchiness at various times of the year, and dandruff usually accompanies other symptoms, such as recurring ear and skin infections.

Hormonal Conditions

Health conditions such as Cushing's disease or hypothyroidism can impact your dog's skin health. In combination with skin conditions, a weakened immune system can increase your dog's vulnerability to secondary infections.

Idiopathic (Spontaneous) Seborrhea

If the reason behind your dog's dandruff cannot be determined, it might be labeled as 'idiopathic.' Although treating dry and scaly skin in dogs can work, the root cause might remain unknown. Your veterinarian can provide you with further guidance on how to handle your pet's situation.

Dandruff can be bothersome and uncomfortable for dogs, but it's generally not a major concern if it's mild or seasonal. However, if your furry friend displays dry, flaky skin in addition to the signs listed below, it's best to take them to the vet for a physical examination.

  • Itchiness
  • Skin odor
  • Excessive dandruff
  • Loss of hair/fur
  • Irritated, red skin
  • Excessive licking of paws or legs
  • Signs of feeling unwell or being uncomfortable

Your dog's symptoms and the vet's findings will determine the next action, including further diagnostic testing to confirm any underlying health problems, allergic reactions, or potential parasites. 

How can I treat my dog's dandruff?

Fortunately, milder cases of dog dandruff can be remedied at home by following instructions and guidelines provided by your primary veterinarian, as well as utilizing the following helpful tips:

  • Groom your pet regularly to ensure their skin isn't overly oily and remove dead hair. Check with your vet before using grooming products on your dog.
  • Bathing your dog can help with dandruff outbreaks and bacterial and fungal skin infections. Your vet may prescribe a medicated shampoo for your dog; follow the instructions carefully. Don't over-bathe your dog, as this could make the dandruff worse!
  • Supplements can be helpful, but many commercial supplements are not heavily regulated for pets. Ask your vet for recommendations.
  • Use a humidifier in your home if the air is dry. During winter months especially, your dog (and your family!) could find this helpful for preventing dry skin.

When should I take my dog to the vet for dandruff treatment? 

If your dog has severe dandruff, your veterinarian can refer you to a board-certified veterinary dermatologist near Hohenwald.  

A veterinary dermatologist can examine your four-legged friend, order in-house diagnostic tests to pinpoint the cause of their discomfort, and develop a custom treatment plan that may include medicated shampoo and conditioner, prescription medications, or environmental changes.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If your dog suffers from dry, flaky skin and a dull coat, please contact our veterinarians in Hohenwald. We'd be happy to schedule an appointment to assess and resolve your pup's condition.

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